This is my blog
Published on March 28, 2005 By jlrx In Current Events
This article is located at , is simply a mirror of my personal blog posts, though it will be behind an article or two- contains no kind of ads or spam of any kind, just my own personal blog, at the moment.


-originally written on 03/25/05-

Those were the very words I have been thinking of using today, but did not. It obviously has to do with Terri Schivo, which is a very sad story indeed. When I first became aware of it, I was exceedingly conflicted over the issue. At once thinking she was far beyond any help, and then again thinking she should not be starved to death. Whatever anyone tells you, that woman is not on "Life Support", because if she was, she'd have been dead not long after it was pulled, instead She has been starving for over a week, no food, no water, sunken eyes, the whole nine yards. All that makes me sound like I think its wrong for them to do it, and frankly I do, but then I dont.

As is the case for many people it is a tough thing to think about, sad and confusing at times. While I think the woman is past the reasonable point of return, I think it was wrong to deny further tests, especially after nurses and doctors began comming forward with conflicting stories.

People who had taken care of her for a long time telling of her conciousness and her awareness...
This however does not make it true, but those words should carry as much weight as does the husbands, for he has just as much proof as they.

Whatever the case may be, I do think she will die very soon, and though I dont like it, what will be, will be, in this case. I hope however that it largely highlights the aspect of having a living will, especially a health care proxy. This should not happen, and its a shame it takes the death of this woman for that message to become so wide spread.

On a different note, I will rant against Judges. Judges are not the end all be all in the American government, no matter how many people like to think so. They are not the first and last words on issues and nor are they the dictators of our nation. One not-so-obvious side effect of the Schivo case is the "Power" that judges weild today. When a single judge (note the lowercase J from now on) in California can overrule the VOTE of the people, we no longer live in a democracy, we live in a facist state. If you think that a judge can strike down the vote of the people, when you feel it is "narrow minded" or you dont agree with said vote, you are supporting the destruction of our democracy. I never read, nor heard of an area in the constitution of our country anything about the minority (not racial but those who loose any vote) being able to overturn a vote with the help of a judge with an agenda. If you dont agree with something thats to be voted on (as in a law, or a person) you need to get off your seat and VOTE. We may be past voting season now, but let me tell you something, all these things that happen will not be forgotten, I personally am sick and tired of a man in black (ie: judge) acting like dictators in our country. That was never their intention. Checks and balances are supposed to go every way, and when a judge treats The United States Congress like a mere advisory board that can be ignored, the time has come to call on our nations leaders to correct the problem. Do not let judges run our country, Federal Judges, who were never elected to their positions hold nearly as much or more power then our President. A true shame, and one that will cost us everything one day... I can see the future my family has fading in such a world. Thanks for reading.

Judicial Homicide - Just a new story which contained the title I used (unless it was updated, as the titles always change)

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