This is my blog
Published on March 23, 2005 By jlrx In Current Events
This article is located at , is simply a mirror of my personal blog posts, though it will be behind an article or two- contains no kind of ads or spam of any kind, just my own personal blog, at the moment.


Yes, a child died today, and who cared? This murder was taken on by the child's Mother, and possibly the child's Father, and it may very well be that the child's Grandparents were in on it, pushing for the death.

How could this possibly happen, and you not even hear about it? Read on...

It actually happens every day in America, a child is no longer wanted, and is killed...

I am talking about abortions. Yes, controversial but serious, you may throw a hissy fit now if you don't like my view, but an abortion is no better than murder. Harsh? Likely, but I get to think about it every time I look at my own son, and every time I look back to when my wife was pregnant, every time he heard me speak how he went over to that side of his mothers belly and kicked furiously. I was there when he was born, I saw him come out, I saw him take his first breath and the only words I could utter were "oh my God...". So when I think about that, I ask myself, these people who like to call murder pro-choice (or shall we say simply choice for the woman, before they come to regret it, and most do). At what point do they go from calling the baby that was inside my wife more then a blob of tissue? I mean a blob of tissue?? Seriously, what kind of bull is that anyway?

Frankly speaking, I don't need to convince anyone, why should I? I mean if 1 minute after that child was born, someone storming into the room and shooting at it would be a murderer by even the Pro-Murderer standards. However if 1 minute before the baby would be born , that baby is killed via an abortion procedure (Partial Birth Abortion that is, where they suck the brain out or back the neck... ) is a perfectly legal thing to do. I am GLAD that Bush signed a law banning partial birth abortion, aside from abortion as a whole, partial birth abortion is brutal, no matter what anyone tells you, you should look up the details on your own. I am most disappointed that a federal judge blocked it from taking effect shortly afterwards, though that is a much larger problem and a topic for later (Check out the book Men In Black)

Besides all that, my opinion will never be changed, I hope to change yours, but in truth only you can change your opinion, you need to look inside yourself and examine the reasons you believe what you believe, which is true of anything. My best advice to any so called "Pro-Choice" person is stop blindly believing the lie that an unborn baby is just a blob of tissue. It is so much more. Below are some links , if you intend to reply, angry or supportive, I suggest you take a look at them first, then argue if you wish, though I wont tolerate abusive language of any kind, as I have said previously, this is my blog, so respect each other.

Your Developing Baby- This goes from conception to birth, detailing what developments an unborn baby goes through, how it grows, how it moves, check it out for yourself.

THE HAND OF HOPE- This is an amazing picture and a brief intro to the story of Samuel Armas- Check both links for the full details, you might be surprised.

GE 4D Ultrasound Commercial- This is some of the newest Ultrasound technology out today, many Pro-Choice types oppose it because they feel it gives too much of a human look to the unborn baby. How can you make it more human? Simple, show it in full 4D (Thats including sound), its the same baby as always, but the picture is FAR beyond the old technology you might normally see, which is only a 2D black and white.

I hope you checked those links out. Thanks for reading.

on Mar 24, 2005
I'm against abortion myself of course but there are some keen arguments people can make. Such as, if an embryo is a person why don't they say they have 3 kids rather than saying they have 2 kids and one on the way? Things like that. And some hardcore anti-abortionists occasionally make not a whit of sense. It's almost like when the baby is born they no longer have any interest in the baby. And the ones that want to kill abortionists. What irony. "We want to save the unborn child but we reserve the right to kill them if they become abortion doctors". There's a myriad of reasons why not to have an abortion but there are those that say it should be ok to abort an embryo from a rape. Or incestuous embryos. But that's where they make the classic mistake of not thinking logically. With such as issue like abortion, there is no logical reason to think there are permissable abortions because they are, after all, murders. So one cannot sit on the fence over the issue or else risk looking like a hypocrite. It's all or nothing people, all or nothing. If that's not your own standard then you're not so committed to a position on this issue as much as you think. People should think of that. But they don't. Rationalization is one of mankind's greatest enemies, perhaps greater than supernatural evil. Often it takes the form of simply looking the other way. And other times it's dismissing what you know to be true to help you get past the uncomfortable realities you need to mentally suppress.
on Mar 24, 2005
There are statistics out there about the percent of abortions caused by rape, incest, and "physical health of the mother". I don't want to dredge sites right now, so i won't be specific, but it was dismally low last time I saw it, something like 10% or less.

Abortion, to me, is the worst sign of our society's excess. Birth control is cheap and widely available. Abstinance is not the impossibility people make it out to be. Especially if you think ahead to what you will do if you have to make this decision.

I have a hard time believing that there are any women that think to themselves, "I guess I'll go through with this, because if I do get pregnant I can just have an abortion." I don't think it is something trivial to anyone.

I think the problem is people don't think at all, and that shows either a hideous lack of respect for human life, or that our society is losing touch with the realities of living.
on Mar 24, 2005
I dunno... Hypocritical or not, Would you want your child to be born only to die 8-12 years later after suffering horribly for several years? I agree wholeheartedly that abortion is a complete abomination. Nevertheless, I can't look poorly on someone who decides to abort for such a reason. But only as long as it is done in a method that is painless to both mother and child. Or at least as painless as possible.